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The 2nd Asian Fishing Cup 2004 Taiwan Guidelines
Name : webmaster Date : 2004.07.24  Hit : 2988 
bordercolor="#3CCC17" height="1342">

size="3" face="MS ゴシック">The 2nd
Asian Fishing Cup 2004 Taiwan

1. Purpose:

   By organizing the Asian Fishing Cup 2004, the global

   celebration for the entire fishing loving population,

   event aims at enhancing the skills and methods of angling

   through the cultural exchange of sport fishing among

   nations of the world, uplifting the dignity of anglers,

   establishing the fishing as the sports of all humankind.
It is

   further to serve the realization of the world peace.

2. Host country :Taiwan

   Host: World Sports Fishing Federation

   Organizer: World Sports Fishing Federation Taiwan

   Co-host Organization: Government of The Republic
of China

                All Taiwanese Council of Angler's Club

3. Participating nations:

   Over 20 WSFF member nations which include Korea, Japan,

   China, Philippines and Thailand among others.

4. Date:
October 20 - 24 2004

   October 20 (Wednesday): Contestants and Officials

               Opening ceremony and Reception party.

   October 21 (Thursday): Trial Fishing and the
Preliminary Matches

               International Convention (for Official
& Staff)

   October 22 (Friday): Semi Finals and Final,

               Award Ceremony and Closing Session

   October 23 (Saturday): Sight-seeing and Preparation
for Return

   October 24 (Sunday) : Departure

5. Venue:
Six cities and counties within Taiwan.

6. Participants:

   1, Contestants from Asian countries are invited to
attend the

    tournament, and other nations have the opportunity
to send

    the representatives to the international convention.
(maximum two

    persons for each country.)

   2. Maximum number of contestants for each of 5 tounament

     Flesh water fishing: 16

     Surf Casting: 15

     Boat Fishing: 10

     Long Casting: 5

     Trolling: 4

   Please send in the following documents before August
15th 2004

   ◇ Photo and Complimentary Messege by the head of the

     (English and Native tongue)

   ◇ Photo and Application Form of each contestant and

     offical/staff (Englishg and Native tongue)

   ◇ Scheduled Date and Time of Arrival, and the Flight

7. Expense:

   The host country will be responsible for the accommodation

   domestic transportation expenses during the period
of the event,

   but the participants must pay for their round-trip
tickets in and

   fro between the home country and Taipei.

8. Tournament Rules:

   1) The locations for the tournaments will be discussed

    determined by the host country and WSFF headquarters.

   2) The time to start and end the games will be discussed

    determined by the host country and WSFF headquarters

    taking the various conditions into consideration.

   3) The objective fishes for the tournaments will be

    and determined by the host country and WSFF headquarters.

   4) The fishing gears must be prepared by the participants.

   5) The tournaments are fought in 5 categories of Flesh

    fishing, Surf Casting, Boat Fishing, Long Casting
and Trolling.

   6) The baits and chums are provided by the organizing

   7) Other detailed tournament rules are discussed and

    among the officials from the participating countries.

9. Judgment Regulations

   1) Winnera are determined by the total weight of objective

    (two kinds of species).

   2) Individulal winners are determined, not regarding
the nationality,

    according to the invidivual achivement among all the

   3) Nation-to-nation group winners are discussed and

    by the host county and WSFF headquarters.

   4) The winners of Trolling category are determined
by the size of

    the largest fish. When the size is equivalent, the
weights are

    compared, and when the weights are the same, the players

    caught first will win.

   5) When a playerhas violated the tournament rules,

    becomes disqualified and also loses the right to take
part in the next

    WSFF-hosted event.

10. Prize:

   1) Individual Prize for each category:

    Champion:US$10,000 and trophy

    2nd place :US$5,000 and trophy

    3rd place :US$ 2,000 and trophy

   2) Group prize for each category:

    1st, 2nd,and 3rd : Trophy

   All contestants are presented hats, towels, outfits
and souvenirs.

Order of Ceremonies

  1. Opening Events

  Ⅰ. Opening Ceremony

   - Opening Message

   - Salute to the natinal flag

   - Introduction of Guests

   - Opening Address

   - Welcome Address

   - Opening Declaration

   - Fair Play Pledge

   - Introduction of Congulaturatory Cables

  Ⅱ. Welcome Performances

  2. Award Ceremony and Closing Session

   - Entertainment

   - Introduction of the guests

   - Announcement of the Tournament Results

   - Closing Address

   - Farewell Address

   - Award Ceremony

   - Announcement on the venue of the next event

   - Closing Declaration